October is Heritage Month at the Presbyterian Church of Wyoming

October is our month to celebrate our Reformation Heritage as well as the Heritage of our own PCW Heritage of ministry in Wyoming. On Sunday, October 14 our theme will be from one of the stained glass windows that grace our sanctuary. Bring your own personal Bible to church with you that day.

John Wycliffe is pictured above. He was one of the earliest leaders in the Reformation movement, circa. 1330 - 1384 (100 years before Martin Luther). John Wycliffe has been called “The Morning Star of the Reformation.” because his efforts arose at the dawn of this important new era. 

Wycliffe's call from God was to translate the Bible into English, a language then considered to be vulgar and not worthy of sacred scripture. But Wycliffe's passionate mission was that all people be able to read the scriptures in their own tongue.  He not only had to translate the scripture into English from Latin, Greek and Hebrew but he also had to arrange for distribution of the translation.  The printing press had not yet been invented (that would come in 1440) and the translation had to be copied by hand! Hundreds of copies were created and carried out to other leaders by Wycliffe's courageous followers. His legacy remains today for those who are convinced of the authority and centrality of Scripture and are devoted to studying and helping others study, the Bible. 

As our congregation begins to prepare for a new future with a new pastor, let's be sure to take time to prayerfully search the scriptures that we might hear God's word to us about what God is calling us to be and to do. 

What a Blessed Heritage! 

Dr. Bob Anderson
Interim Transition Pastor

(Adapted from Stephen Nichols, Ligonier Ministries).


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